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July Newsletter: Arts Consortium and My Voice Media Center

July Newsletter


  • LIVE F1rst Friday Show!!! - Lateral Roots: Mothers Nurturing their Artistic Practice

  • LIVE F1rst Friday Venues

  • Special Announcements

    • First Saturday

    • Watermark Special Edition Magazine

    • Community Art Calendar

  • Member of the Month and Membership Featured Presenter, Dave Daniels

  • July Membership Meeting Information

  • Taste The Arts

    • TTA Committee Zoom Meeting

    • Become a Sponsor

  • Artist Opportunities

    • Farmers Market

    • Tulare County Artist Master List

  • Things To Do In Visalia event link

  • We appreciate our members!

  • My Voice Media Center


In case you missed any of our past Virtual F1rst Friday events, you can click on the following link that will take you to the Arts Consortium's YouTube channel:

ARTS CONSORTIUM'S FEATURED FIRST FRIDAY ARTISTS: Amie T. Rangel / Laura Melancon Patricia E. Rangel / Saegan Moran Brien

The lateral roots of a tree grow outwards under the soil to create the support structure to anchor the tree, protect harmful impacts to sensitive roots, and absorb nutrients for ongoing and future tree growth. Mothers are very much like the lateral roots of a tree. Mothers that also happen to be also active and exhibiting artists struggle with the many life stresses, often spreading out our lateral roots far and wide. The drive and passion to create and further develop ideas, new explorations and/or projects in the studio is often redirected to the overwhelming desire to be an integral role in our young children’s ongoing and future growth. Although studio time is reduced and output may be diminished, the richness of content and material continues to develop at a rate that is (mostly) sustainable for this stage in our lives. However, it must be noted that this endeavor to balance these creative energies is supported by the other root structures in our lives. As mothers and as artists, our support system of our partners, parents, siblings, unconditional friends, and generous community network make our multi-tasking endeavors a bit more attainable and to not only rear children but to also nurture our artistic practices. Saegan Moran Brien, Laura Melancon, Patrica Rangel, and Amie Rangel, all live and work in the Central Valley. All have obtained their terminal degree in art and also teach in the college and university system. Saegan has an MFA in Printmaking from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia, Laura has an MFA in Printmaking from the University of South Dakota, Patricia has an MFA in Metals from CSU Long Beach, and Amie has an MFA in Drawing and Intermedia from University of Alberta. Each of the artists have exhibited regionally, nationally and some, internationally.

Images clockwise from top: Saegan Moran Brien, Patricia E. Rangel, Laura Melancon, Amie T. Rangel

Don't forget to check out our F1rst Friday participating LIVE venues, Arts Visalia, Brandon-Mitchell Gallery, and The Creative Center:

For more information, visit Arts Visalia's website at:

559-739-0905For more information, visit the Brandon-Mitchell Gallery website

(559) 625-2441

For more information, visit The Creative Center's website at:

(559) 733-9329


First SATURDAY is back!

The Watermark Special Edition is Here!

The Watermark Special Edition, the Arts Consortium's magazine, is filled with 62 pages of beautiful art, an art catalogue section where you can see what our local artists have for sale, a Draw-It Contest for all ages, a feature on our Artist of the Year, updates on the local art scene, and so much more! If you'd like to pick up a copy, you can stop by the Arts Consortium during our regular business hours: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. It will also be available online soon!

Community Art Calendar

The Arts Consortium's website has a Tulare County art events calendar. Since everything is starting to open up again, this page is currently being updated and new events will be added weekly. We'd like to thank Donna Orozco, our Board Secretary, for volunteering her time to maintain the calendar.

Here's the link to the Tulare County Community Art Calendar: Arts Consortium is honored to present David Daniels as our Membership Meeting featured presenter!

David Daniels is the owner of Absolution Woodworks, a boutique woodshop specializing in custom furniture, fine art cutting boards, and highly specific objects for highly specific people. Working out of a 400 square foot shop behind his home in Visalia, California, David sources lumber locally in the Central Valley, usually from orchard removals where trees would otherwise be burned or turned to mulch. His cutting boards are made of sustainably sourced domestic and exotic hardwoods arranged as functional works of art.

You can follow Dave at:

Artwork by David Daniels

IMPORTANT NOTICE: For this month's Membership Meeting, we will be LIVE at the Arts Consortium! Come by and see old friends and make new ones! Our doors are open -- so please join us in person once again on Tuesday, July 13th at 5:30 p.m. here at 300 E. Oak Ave. in Visalia.

To view past Membership Meetings, here's the link to our YouTube channel:


We are asking for any announcements Members would like to share to be sent to by Friday, July 9th.

Hello Art Lovers! Our Taste The Arts festival is scheduled for October 16th, 2021! The next Taste The Arts 2021 Committee Zoom Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 6th, at 5:30 p.m. Our Executive Director, Ampelio Mejia Perez, would like to invite all Taste The Arts Committee Members to our scheduled Zoom meetings.

We hope you'll join us to make 2021 Taste The Arts a great event!

If you would like to become a sponsor, go to the Taste The Arts application page on our Arts Consortium website. We even have Festival Fan sponsorships for just $25! The direct link is: The deadline is July 22, 2021. Please help us get the word out!


The Arts Consortium is compiling a master list of Tulare County artists that will be posted on our website for public use. If you are a Tulare County artist and would like to be included in the directory, please click on the link and complete the brief form:


If you would like to submit an event to appear in the Times-Delta under "Things To Do In Visalia", click on the following link:

We appreciate our members!

My Voice Media Center - July, 2021

July Night Skies

This month's theme can be incorporated into art. The theme is NIGHT and the color is BLUE.

This month's theme is important to all of our participants, all of our artists. As the middle of the year comes to a close, we look at all we have accomplished.

Calendar: Join us on Thursday's for the new "Art and Wellness" 2-3PM on ZOOM.

The Peer Art Gallery continues to be a place where participants can display and sell their work. Featured Peer Artists are participants who have shown a great deal of progress and create a breadth of portfolio works.

Participant Portfolios are in place and currently we have three participants displaying some of their artwork or videos. Check it out at: Participant Appreciation Day was a blast! Godzilla vs. Kong was a hit.

For more information please call 559-802-3266 or email

The goal of the My Voice Media Center is to reduce the stigma of mental illness. We provide a safe space where participants may learn to express themselves through the arts; we provide exhibition and art sale opportunities for our participants; and we help educate the general public about mental wellness and recovery.

My Voice Media Center, located in the Arts Consortium



Participant works may be inspired by magazines, research, online research, or other sources.

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