I know most of you that didn't get to go are wondering how the NAMI WALK 2023 went at Tulare's Del Lago Park this past Saturday. There was a big, strong feeling we all took home, about empowerment, about each other, and all the peers were grouped together with their self-designed t-shirts, and speaking about mental health. It is important to talk about mental health.
We would like to thank the board of directors and the Advisory Committee for all the work they put into the event!
Board of Directors: Ralph E. Nelson, Jr., M.D., President, Donna Grigsby, Vice President, Mary Mederos, Treasurer, Bruce Nicotero, Secretary, Kathy Farrell, Ivy Jones, Karen Mabry, Betty Pimental, Sally Saunders....and Advisory Committee: Denise Nelson, Newsletter Editor, and David Mederos
My Voice Media Center wins second place...check out the walk and see the gallery below. just click on the right or left arrow on the image to scroll!
Sometimes it's hard to talk about mental health, and gathering together for a special walk lined with signs along the way to explain that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your journey, was an inspirational sight.
There were many signs along the path that led us to the end of the journey, where we all had lunch in the park.
NAMI also offers family support groups. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, visit https://namitularecounty.org/support-groups#ab43857b-89c2-4129-9610-7ee03d21eaaf for more information on times and locations.
For other community resources, please visit: https://namitularecounty.org/mental-health#361fd217-c85e-4562-800b-eee024a7b61d, thank you!