My Voice Media Center says Thanks to everyone who participated in Mental Health Month. We had a great time at all the different events such as the friend and family picnic, the jamboree, and the Arts Consortiums First Friday. Seeing everyone and working together to end the stigma on mental health was great.
We would also like to thank our Photo and Video editing session for finishing another awesome video on Mental health. you can find this video on our Facebook page and website. All of us working together can make it an even better world for future generations who struggle with mental illness so that no one stands alone and people can feel heard.
Photo's at the Rawhide Ball Park and F1rst Friday event in May
Arts Consortium's My Voice Media Center event F1rst Friday and MVMC's booth at the Rawhide Mental Health Awareness month
Photo's from the Tulare County Historical Society Museum Jamboree 2023
Thank you, to everyone who participated in these events!!!!!
