Welcome to the Participant showcase for the MID YEAR Review for Art and Wellness and the No Stigma Speaker's Bureau!
Art and Wellness
Art and Wellness is a session that was created from a general check-in on the ZOOM platform during COVID-19 shutdowns. Its ability to help participants and staff communicate and discuss topics in wellness, recovery, mental health and of course ART, has topped the charts here at MVMC as the newest session we have added.
"Art Topics You Choose" is the slogan and we encourage new participants and prospecting participants as well as staff, facilitators and participants.
Please visit New Tab (mhanational.org) for more information on the worksheets. This a great site to visit for mental health and wellness tools and resources!
Take the mental health test and the stress test: Self-Help Tools | Mental Health America (mhanational.org)
No Stigma Speaker's Bureau-NSSB
The No Stigma Speaker's Bureau is a public speaking session designed to help and guide participants in telling their story. Their story is important to many including CIT Trainings, Police Officers, health Practitioners, Hospitals, Recovery Homes and many other opportunities for the participant to use our guided assistance and practice to tell their lived-experienced story.
We encourage all of our artists to be a part of this opportunity.
Zoom Platform at My Voice Media Center
NSSB 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 10-11am
Please visit the Portfolio Page of myvoicemediacenter.com for Participant Portfolios!
Please contact us for more information (559) 802-3266